Roller Mills Crusher


this machine provides the homogenization and obtaining of a compact structure of the soil through its grinding between two cylinders. The big-sized parts of the raw material are crumbled, which increases the quality of the production. The soil, which has been crumbled through crushing, is absorbing easily the water. The different running speeds of the cylinders provide rubbing crush of the soil.
The bearing side frames and shafts are produced of pig iron. The hydraulic pressing systems, used on the bearings, are designed in a manner, that prevents damage of the cylinders by absorbing of the extreme compulsion, which may appear on them under heavy working conditions. The positions of the cylinders may be changed according to the changes of the working conditions. The surfaces of the cylinders are cleaned during the operation of the machine by a pneumatically controlled system of clearing knives. The cylinders are driven through two separate engines


This machine is used for making mud in clay brick production lines.

Main body: made of ST 37 steel sheet and GS 45 casting parts by welding and stress relief
Shafts: made of DIN-1.1191 steel
Waltz roller: alloy cast iron with cream and nickel in casting, turning and stone work
Anchor light: cast iron
Bearings: cast iron
Bearings: from reputable brands
Mud cleaning system: they work mechanically (it can be equipped with a pneumatic system if the customer orders)
Safety system: mechanical fuse (if the customer orders, installing a safety system equipped with hydraulic BACK UP jacks reinforced by nitrogen gas)

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